Thursday, March 13, 2003


Jeff and I could NOT take our eyes off "All American Girl" last night. Jeff because he has a crush on Ginger Spice, and me because I felt like I had been locked in the biggest, meanest high school in the world. ("Oh, I hope I'm not pregnant again!" blurted a young woman. Us, too, chica.)

It's not the end of Western civilization, it's not the end of a good storytelling on television (one of this things this blog will be about). It's about t.v. series getting expensiver and expensiver and markets getting smaller and smaller. If reality shows were MORE expensive than Friends, do you think we'd be seeing so many Brittany imitations, fake marriages, or Scary Ex-Models Who Really Need Their Meds? No. It's about the money. And it's about the illusion of surprise that video + real people seems to offer us.

Anyway, rant off. This blog is offered as a celebration of good storytelling on t.v. and film, along with the occasional rant. And who the hell am I? I am a recovering film/tv development executive/content provider who has helped more than one script get on its legs. I love movies. I love glamour. I love telling you who I went to school with, and I love watching a really good filmmaker pull off something great. This blog is an attempt to marshal my wildly enthusiastic and undisciplined mind so that I might, um, consolidate my thoughts and "learnings" as they say in the business world in one place.

Tomorrow: a brief lecture on Will Smith's abs and how they relate to three-act structure. Sort of.

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